A couple of days after launching the HW8 Ultra, Wearpai is back and brought a new smartwatch with a large screen called HW8 Ultra Max. The wearable is an Apple Watch Ultra clone that got a square design with a 2.05-inch large IPS LCD screen and is equipped with several features including a heart rate monitor, SPO2 blood oxygen monitor, Multisport modes, and supports Bluetooth wireless calling.
As you see in the picture above, this new HW8 Ultra Max got a square design that looks stylish, fashionable, and similar to the Apple Watch Ultra. Measuring 49*43.5*12.5mm and weighing about 50g. There are two physical buttons on the right side of the case. It is responsible for the function of turning on the running back. The reverse side of the device received a typical configuration – there are magnetic contacts for charging and a heart rate sensor.
The HW8 Ultra Max smartwatch body is made of zinc alloy while the strap is available in silicone. Regarding the display screen! This HW 8 Ultra Max smartwatch uses a 2.05-inch Large IPS touchscreen curved with 2.5D glass and created with a resolution of 520*580 pixels. This Apple Watch clone is also packed with a variety of watch faces and is available in black, orange, white, blue, and green colors.
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